Online learning

With the beginning of the quarantine, many parents are faced with a complete lack of understanding of the educational process of their children. This is not surprising, because before the students asked the teachers questions, but now the lion’s share of them falls on the parents’ shoulders. But our school believes that all the disadvantages can be turned into clear advantages. Shall we get to the bottom of it?

Perhaps one of the biggest problems of little professors is poor self-discipline. At school, many fidgeters were held back by the teacher and the work environment, but now they belong to themselves. Our technology of education is based on the fact that the student himself tries to find answers to his questions through all possible sources of information, and the teacher acts as the last instance in this chain. Therefore, we can put a dash here – we do not have such a problem.

The purpose of school is not only to teach the child, but also to prepare him or her for teamwork, interaction with other people and conflict resolution. Many of the adults complain that distance learning takes such an opportunity away from their children. However, the way out in Crossnore School is found! Classes take place online in groups, where discussion can take place, discussing subjects as well as school or extracurricular life. Students are given project tasks and formed into teams to complete them. This is how you get those valuable 21st century soft skills.

Gadgetization of life is something that most parents cannot accept. It is logical, because in normal times after school children went to sports, extracurricular activities, music school, and the like. Now almost the whole day is spent “in the monitor. Being aware of this problem, Crossnore School has developed a whole complex of extracurricular educational activities. These include foreign language clubs, a variety of creative workshops, conversation classes for adults and teenagers, and much more.

Lack of practice in the traditional school was a problem in the offline teaching, and with the transition to the online format this issue has only worsened! Many students have to run to get through the program, but the quality of such training leaves a lot to be desired. Despite the fact that most children are kinesthetic, that is, those who perceive the world through their own experience, our teachers have developed proprietary methods of teaching through games, team competitions, quizzes, and creative assignments in order to compensate for the lack of habitual learning in Сrossnore School.